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Habitat loss and habitat degradation are the most frequent causes of biodiversity loss today, and are likely to continue to increase in the future. Climate change is expected to become a major driver of biodiversity change over the next decades. Biodiversity and ecosystems respond to global environmental change in a number of different ways, on all levels of organisation, from genetic composition to ecosystem and landscape structure and function.
Understanding how biodiversity and ecosystems respond to environmental change helps to identify how to curb biodiversity loss, and to understand which contributions biodiversity and ecosystems can make to solving global problems, for example through the mitigation of climate change, or adaptation to changing environmental conditions. This understanding can then be used to guide management and decision-making processes on national and global levels.
bioDISCOVERY is an international research programme fostering collaborative interdisciplinary activities on biodiversity and ecosystem science. By the means of a scientific network, we advance the use of observations, indicators and scenarios to support policy and decision-making for informed global environmental management.
Our Mission
To promote and advance interdisciplinary collaborative research on feedbacks between global change drivers, and the biodiversity, functioning and services of natural ecosystems. Our science supports decision-making and policies that ensure the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity worldwide.
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